Want to pitch a program or event at the library? Fill out the form here.
Circle Conversations are for all ages willing to share their Covid Grief Stories dealing with loss:
Loss of a loved one, loss of good health, elderly parents dying alone, isolated teenagers, grandparents isolated from their grandchildren, loss of employment, loss of education, loss of a relationship, loss of contact with family…
The intention of these circles is to stimulate conversation so we can move more gracefully through the healing process following this profound shared disruption to our lives. Let’s hope that through collective witnessing, we will gain wisdom and the desire to build a more just and open-hearted society.
We invite all who need to feel safe to confidentially express their Covid grief stories in a judgement free space.
Circle Hosts: Celeste Vermette and Laurie Clark
Register with Laurie: laurielynnclark@circlepathway.com
Please note, the library will be continuing to require masks be worn indoors until April 10, 2022.