Technical issue alert: access to Libby has been restored but there remains issues with accessing some other online resources. Thank you for your patience as we continue working on a solution!
Technical issue alert: access to Libby has been restored but there remains issues with accessing some other online resources. Thank you for your patience as we continue working on a solution!
Town of Perth Museum and Library Parking Lots are closed for 4-5 weeks for repaving starting October 15, 2024. Details
Town of Perth Museum and Library Parking Lots are closed for 4-5 weeks for repaving starting October 15, 2024. Details

Community Space

Policy Number: E-02
Policy Title: Community Space
Category: Operational Policies: Facilities
Adopted: October 2002
Last Review: June 2022

Perth & District Union Public Library provides space suitable for meetings and events held by groups other than the Library. Provision of this space furthers the library’s mission to support the educational and leisure activities of the community.

The library has first priority for use of its two meeting/programming spaces. When not otherwise in use, the library opens these spaces for use by outside groups.The library has first priority for use of its two meeting/programming spaces. When not otherwise in use, the library opens these spaces for use by outside groups.

See Appendix A for spaces and fees. Access to both community spaces is available only during hours when the library is open to the public. Space capacities are determined in accordance with the Ontario Fire Code (Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 4). The library provides tables and chairs for use but cannot guarantee the room will be set up in advance. Renters may request to use the library’s projector for presentations. Electrical outlets and wireless internet are available. 

Renters must reserve and, if there is a fee, pay for use of the room in advance. Applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Rental fees may be refunded if the reservation is cancelled at least 24 hours in advance.

The library reserves the right to refuse a rental or reservation request and to cancel any reservation. In the case of a cancellation of a reservation by the library, any fees paid will be refunded. In particular, the library will refuse any rental or reservation request that would contravene the Criminal Code of Canada, R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46 (including hate propaganda laws) or the Ontario Human Rights Code, RSO 1990, C. H.19.

The library is committed to intellectual freedom and freedom of access for all members of our community. Provision of the space does not constitute an endorsement of the positions, views, programs or policies of those using library community spaces.

Renters must leave the room in the same condition as it was found (garbage removed, chairs returned to their original positions, etc.)  No renter may store any materials in the room between bookings. Exit doors must be kept free from obstruction. Smoking and the consumption of drugs or alcoholic beverages in the library are prohibited. Any request for special events with licensed alcohol consumption must be approved by the CEO. 

The library is not responsible for personal injury or damage or for the theft or loss of personal belongings of anyone using the library’s community spaces. The renter is responsible for the conduct and supervision of all persons admitted to the room and must see that all regulations are strictly adhered to. The renter is responsible for the payment of all costs incurred as a result of damage to any library property. 

Renters of the Marguerite Frizell or Common Room may be required to produce proof of general liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000 per occurrence, including full participant coverage and naming Perth & District Union Public Library and the Town of Perth as additional insured. This coverage is for the protection of the facility renter, Perth & District Union Public Library, the Town of Perth, and all those participating in the use of the facility during the rental.

See also:
● 2.A-3: Statement of values 

Appendix A: Spaces and Fees


Space: Fee: Time Limits:
Marguerite Frizell Room minimum fee of $45 for up to three hours, plus $10 for each additional hour or portion thereof n/a
Common Room $10 per hour or portion thereof, or $50 per day (5 hours or longer) n/a
Common Room & Launch Pad Common Room fee, plus $5 per hour or portion thereof, or $55 per day (5 hours or longer) n/a
Launch Pad free maximum of 3hrs/day
Green Study Room free maximum of 3hrs/day
Friends Study Room free maximum of 3hrs/day


At the discretion of the CEO, fees may be waived or adjusted in the event of a library partnership program or similar use of the library’s spaces (e.g. computer classes for the public, or playgroup open to the public, and run by an outside group, etc). Bookings eligible for this consideration must offer programs that are free of charge and open to all, as per 2.G-06: Programming.