The library is closed today to poor weather conditions. Our apologies for the inconvenience! We will re-open tomorrow at 10am.
The library is closed today to poor weather conditions. Our apologies for the inconvenience! We will re-open tomorrow at 10am.
The Provincial Election is Feb. 27
Visit Elections Ontario for voter registration, information on how and where to vote, the list of candidates, and more.
The Provincial Election is Feb. 27
Visit Elections Ontario for voter registration, information on how and where to vote, the list of candidates, and more.

The Perth & District Union Public Library has served the Town of Perth and the Townships of Drummond/North Elmsley and Tay Valley for more than 150 years. The library’s role in the community has evolved over time and continues to do so.

This agility plan sets out the Library’s mission, vision, desired outcomes and priority action items for the next two years, from 2022-2023. It will be renewed every two years. The purpose of the plan is to ensure the library continues to adapt in response to changing community needs, while delivering exceptional programs and services, and offering the best possible value for contributing municipalities and library users alike.

Progress on these strategic priorities will be reviewed twice a year by the Library Board (June/November).

The library is more equitable, diverse, inclusive and accessible.

The library fosters community and is seen as an open and welcoming place for all.


Break down barriers to accessing library services, through a review of common procedures (e.g. new library card, check out, renewal, accessing digital resources, etc) and removal of barriers such as overdue fees.

Invest in library collections: diversify collections to include voices of marginalized communities, expand collections in areas of community interest as follows:
expand Indigenous collections by a minimum of 60 titles
expand sustainability/environmental issues collections by a minimum of 60 titles

In collaboration with the library’s Indigenous Advisory Circle:
provide appropriate library services for the Indigenous communities in our area
educate our community about Canada’s relationship with Indigenous peoples and help non-Indigenous peoples to actively engage in reconciliation

Support our friendly, skilled and knowledgeable staff by:
reviewing the orientation process and creating an orientation and training checklist for new staff
implementing tech basics training for all staff
supporting monthly staff team meetings
providing annual training opportunities in the  areas of equity, diversity and inclusion, mental health, etc.

Support vulnerable populations by connecting with other social service organizations and providing a neutral meeting space.

Everyone in our community is aware of the services of the library. It’s exciting to have a library card!

Raise the profile of the library in the community.


Form an ad hoc outreach group made up of volunteers with staff liaison. Ad hoc group to develop and implement an outreach strategy with messages aimed at the following groups of people:
new and summer residents: make sure all new and summer residents know where the library is and what services are offered
non-readers and young adults (20s & 30s): promote community-led program opportunities, attendance at alternative events like Library After Dark
rural residents: promote programs accessible to rural residents (e.g. held off-site or virtually) via pop-up library sessions at rural community events such as the Maberly Agricultural Fair or other methods

Start a library champions program; provide training and advocacy package to supporters. Empower library champions to deliver informal presentations to community groups and to promote library services at community events/locations.

People feel connected to each other and the library.

The library offers programs that connect people to each other and the library.


Expand class visit program: create and promote an online booking system for teachers to easily book a virtual or in-person class visit to the library.

Offer teen-led programming: form an ad-hoc teen group that creates and runs programs for teens.

Offer adult-led programming: encourage community members and organizations to pitch and lead programs at the library or online.  Focus on young adults in their 20s and 30s.

Help seniors connect by facilitating and/or partnering to:
offer programs that give seniors the skills to use technology (e.g. tech training, common tech troubleshooting tips for seniors handout)
offer programs that connect seniors with other community members (e.g. Connected Canadians, Reading Buddies)

Rural residents feel like the library is “for them”.

The library offers programs and services virtually or off-site.


Expand our book hubs: incorporate library branding and ongoing marketing as part of existing book hubs, add new book hubs.

Offer programs in rural areas or offer virtual options for existing programs (e.g. Babytime at a community hall, virtual options for Storytime).

Identify our capacity to offer other services rurally (e.g. book delivery partnerships, pickup/drop off locations, etc) and look at funding / partnership / volunteer options.

The library is funded to meet current and future operational needs.

The library has a robust fundraising program and our funders see the value of library services.


Create and implement an annual fundraising strategy to raise $70,000 annually

Advocate the value of library services to our municipal funders via Tri-Council Networking meeting and annual reports to Council

Advocate to the provincial government for an increase to the Public Library Operating Grant and support for Ontario’s Digital Library by meeting with our local MPP and Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries

Implement the goals laid out in the library’s financial plan and 10-year capital budget as follows:
Undertake library building condition report
Undertake library building community consultation
Make updates to library circulation desk for configuration/electrical
Paint library interior and update emergency signage
Expand the Library Specialist – Adult and Senior Services role from a part-time to full-time role to meet current needs and expand community outreach and programming.